Peekaboo is, out of the entire herd of PDRS, the horse that has been here the longest. At a young age, she was given the coveted title of “Kid’s Horse,” carrying children from all over the world. You can rest assured that Peekaboo receives more Christmas cards every year than we do. 😂 Remembered for her riveting blue eyes under a black mask, Peekaboo is what is known as a “Medicine Hat,” considered sacred by the Comanche Nation. Revered as a horse with “magic”, horses like Peekaboo were rode by tribal chiefs and only the fiercest warriors as they were known to protect their rider with passion. But most children and their parents at PDRS will remember her as a phenomenal babysitter.
More often than not, you’ll find Peekaboo trailing closely behind Red in line. But, being an alpha mare of the herd, she can pretty well pick whatever spot in line she chooses. Just about every horse in our herd respects ol’ Peekaboo. Considered as one of the “seniors” in the herd, we expect to enjoy her for several more years to come.